Visceral Therapy
Visceral Manipulation is a non-invasive therapy that requires extremely specific placement of gentle manual forces to encourage movement of the viscera (organs) and their surrounding connective tissue. In the words of Jean- Pierre Barral, the founder of VM:
“The purpose of Visceral Manipulation (VM) is to recreate, harmonise and increase proprioceptive communication in the body to enhance its internal mechanism for better health.”
Barral originally studied Physiotherapy before completely a Diplomate in Osteopathy. He is one of the very few clinicians who also had access to the cadavers of his patients- which allowed him to observe direct correlations between the symptoms his clients were experiencing and their internal fascial restrictions. His anatomical knowledge is secondary only to his astounding palpatory skills.
Due to the profound results that therapists obtain using VM, Jean-Pierre Barral was cited by TIME Magazine as one of the top healing innovators to watch in the new millennium!
To learn more about Visceral Therapy read our detailed blog post or visit our Instagram page @physiocapetown